FAO GMB TC Members
£500 Payment & Pay Justice
GMB has raised the issue of the £500 bonus payment for those of you who worked throughout the pandemic. We know that some people who work in similar roles in councils are in line to receive this.
TC has confirmed that *some* members within facilities who work in social care settings may be entitled to this, however they are going to write out to those of you who are eligible to ask if you wish to receive it as, this will likely have an impact on your tax or universal credits if you are in receipt of these. They are working on the finer details and we will keep you updated.
This will be reduced (or pro rata) if you work part time – only those on 37 hour contracts would receive £500 which is taxable.
There will be an opportunity to appeal directly to the Scottish Government if you feel you should receive this and do not – details will be sent by your employer.
GMB is fighting for pay justice – we do not believe in or indulge our members in gimmicks, and we will not be distracted by a payment that some of you *may be entitled to as your equal pay claims may be worth much more.
If you’re not in GMB join the only union willing to fight for pay justice and not be content with the status quo here: https://www.gmb.org.uk/join-gmb and submit your equal pay claim form here: https://tinyurl.com/1xmgzoyt if you have not already.
If you join GMB you can submit your equal pay claim once your application has been processed.
Remember to vote in the pay ballot and vote reject – this affects your overall pay, and we strongly advise as many of you as possible to vote – this does send a clear message that you are no longer willing to accept scraps and that you should be valued.
There is a further £500 payment that many of you who have a current tax credit award will receive automatically into your bank account from HMRC – this is not to be confused with the bonus payment mentioned above: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-one-off-500-payment-for-working-households-receiving-tax-credits
Pass this to non-members in your workplace and encourage them to join your fight for pay justice!
Posted: 21st April 2021