GMB@PKC Janitors
This week GMB have met with both PKC and Tayside Contracts regarding the proposed transfer of the facilities staff.
Jim Cunningham and your new rep, Fraser McGillivray met with PKC on Monday and it was made clear that we would not expect TUPE to apply due to the fact that this would mean that Janitors would be transferring over on less favourable terms than those who work in Tayside Contracts. There are differing opinions over School Crossing Patrollers which is something we may need to clarify.
Both Jim Cunningham and I met with Tayside Contracts on Wednesday 26th April to discuss some of the terms of the change, which as far as we are concerned will be a collectively bargained agreement made with the members of the trade union. We believe that this was a positive meeting with discussion around proposals for the transfer.
There may be some changes to terms and conditions when the move is made to Tayside Contracts, and it is of the utmost importance that you suffer no detriment as a result of the move. Indeed, the decision has been taken by PKC that the transfer will happen, and it is our job to ensure that you are content with the terms of the move.
GMB have by far the majority of members within the janitorial staff of PKC, and indeed, members of Tayside Contracts facilities are mostly GMB members.
We would like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss the currently proposed terms. Only union members will have a say on whether you find the terms acceptable or not – indeed, we are asking all of you to come along and discuss the proposals.
We don’t want any of you to feel anxious about this move. Please be assured that we will meet with you at every opportunity, and that where there have been meetings we will communicate this to you as soon as is practically possible.
We are currently arranging a meeting to discuss the proposed terms – we are hoping that this will be next week, Thursday, 4th May, however we need to ensure this is confirmed with PKC, therefore please note the date as provisional.
Next week’s meeting is for GMB members only – if you are aware of any non-union members who would like to come along and have a say, they have the opportunity to come along and join us on the day.
Helen Meldrum
Jim Cunningham
Fraser McGillivray
Regional Organiser & GMB Reps
GMB Scotland
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Posted: 28th April 2017