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GMB@Perth Janitors

Dear PKC GMB Janitors

We know that many of you feel as though things are uncertain at the moment, due to the discussions that are being held with other interested parties regarding your future.

Many of you have questions around Tayside Contracts in particular as, by talking to you over the last couple of weeks, you feel frustrated at the lack of information that is being provided to you from PKC.
We asked to be present at your meeting that was held on 15th August, and whilst we were able to join you at the end, we weren’t given permission to be present during the meeting and we know that many of you had to get away. We are aware that what was outlined to you were still the three same options as before. Now, GMB are not in any way advocating a move to Tayside Contracts or any other provider for that matter, however what we can send you are the current and proposed pay scales that Tayside Contracts currently operates – this is one of the most frequently asked questions we have encountered when visiting you. These visits are still continuing, and if we’ve not yet made it out to see you, we will. If you would like a specific visit, then please call the Dundee Office on 01382 225491 and we will arrange that for the very near future.

Additionally if you have any specific questions then please contact us at the office – we know that a lot of the uncertainty is being caused by lack of information. Please note that the current pay scales for janitors in Tayside Contracts is grades 5 and 6 on the left of the table.

GMB would also like any non-members to join us. Whatever happens, it will be our job to get you the best possible deal we can on behalf of our members – the more we have, the stronger our message will be to any prospective employer, even if the status quo remains. We currently represent the vast majority of staff in Tayside Contracts.

It’s really important you keep us up to date with your details – please call the Dundee Office to update your job, workplace, home or email address and telephone number. We operate a text system so that if anything is happening regarding you specifically, we will alert you by text to either the website with an update or an email that we have issued to you. All of our members who have provided us with their email address and telephone numbers have responded positively to the text service – it’s the quickest and easiest way of getting in touch, particularly as you are all spread across a wide geographical area.
We would also love to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a workplace organiser – for more details contact the Dundee office on the above number.
I look forward to seeing you.

Helen Meldrum
Regional Organiser

Perth Janitorial Staff Update

Posted: 1st September 2016

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