Dear Member
Helen Meldrum met with management to discuss the very stark results of the bullying survey we carried out towards the end of last year.
Under new management, LACD appear to want to address the bullying culture and we welcome that.
They have advised that they intend to carry out their own workplace survey and we have asked that steps are taken to ensure that staff have confidence that their responses will be completely anonymous. Management agreed that they will look at this as they want to be able to ensure everyone feels you can answer honestly and that steps will be taken to act upon any concerns raised.
We will continue to work with management to ensure the culture is challenged and would encourage our members and all staff to return their survey when this is issued, as the culture can be changed if there is an accurate picture.
We will also continue to monitor what is happening to ensure positive change, as it is completely unacceptable that so many of you have either witnessed or felt bullied at work.
Please continue to report any instances of bullying – if you need any help with any of this, then please contact your workplace rep, or, call the office on 01382 225491 or email
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Posted: 18th February 2020