Dear Member
GMB made it clear last week that there should be no one visiting service users where Covid 19 is present and then on to non-covid homes.
This was agreed. The new variant is far more virulent than before, and it is inconceivable that you would be asked to do this or that the same mistakes and poor decision making is happening again.
Our advice to you as your union is that any covid cases should be at the end of any duties, and if you are getting buses to get home for example, this should be risk assessed. Risk assessments should all be updated to include the new variant.
Grievances should be submitted where you feel you are being put in any danger or being asked to do something that may cause you or service users harm.
We have advised DCC that members will have GMB full backing and support on these issues.
Health and safety legislation is available for you to assert that you will not put yourself in any danger. More information about this will be issued later as well as further information about the GMB Covid 19 risk register. Please contact us if you feel you have contracted covid at work.
If you need any support, please do not hesitate to contact us on
07946675969 or07946661375.
Or emailĀ or contact your rep
Posted: 14th January 2021