Dear Member,
Good morning, just a quick follow up from our conference call with Dundee City Council on Tuesday 14th April 2020.
We have been advised that Vicky Irons has been invited to participate in a conference call with the First Minister this afternoon around Social Care.
The GMB have requested that testing should be a major discussion point on said call with the First Minister. To ensure clarification is sought around Safeguarding front line workers.
The creation of a dedicated Covid 19 team has now been agreed which will further protect our everyone which we welcome. More information is to follow on what this will look like moving forward for service delivery.
We have been reasured that PPE is now freely available at your local collection points throughout the city. If you are having any differculty this should be directed to your organiser in the first instance.
Unfortunately, our suggestion of a dedicated hotline for PPE has not been taken up at this time.
We are still awaiting and response to job and finish for all workers within homecare. We pressed this afternoon for a timeline for a decision. However, none was forthcoming at this stage given other operational contrains.
We have made Dundee City Council Management Team aware that if a desision is not made shortly on job and finish. Then a formal greivance will be raised on behalf of our members on the grounds of sexual discrimination.
Please be assured that we will always fight to protect our members mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Keep up all the amazing work and speak with your local Rep(s) Susan Marnie and Sheila Petrie should you have any concerns within your team.
Solidarity ✊
Posted: 16th April 2020