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Dear member,
Joint TU meeting held yesterday (24th September) where the below rota was discussed.
We understand that many of you have seen this on the workers page but wanted to make sure that you all have access to it to see it before it’s discussed in full at Friday’s meeting with management.
I’ts important to note that that the rotas that were being proposed by the council were NOT the final version as this has purely been a consultation exercise.
Please let us know on 01382 225491 or email us at if you have any feedback on the proposed rota.
Rota proposal –
Single Shift 30 Hour Rota
Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 E X X E L L E
2 L L E X X E E
3 E E L L E X X
4 L L E E E X X
5 E X X L L E E
6 L E E X X E L
7 E E L E E X X
8 L L E X X L L
9 E E L E E X X
5E 4E 4E 4E 4E 3E 3E
4L 3L 3L 2L 2L 2L 2L

Posted: 25th September 2019

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