GMB @ Fife Schools
We have been made aware that Fife Council have employed a consultancy firm to help them make cuts to catering hours in schools.
We were made aware only last week that a trial was to begin this week – after representations made by the Joint Trade Unions, this has been stopped at least until consultation has been held with the Trade Unions.
GMB are fundamentally opposed to the use of expensive consultants and are quite frankly disgusted that Fife Council could be so insensitive to our members.
We have been made aware that this will be on a commission basis which means the more savings (cuts) they identify, the more money they will make. We will continue to oppose the use of consultants and the cutting of catering hours. We know that cutting hours within catering will affect the service you provide.
There is a meeting set for the 7th February and we will keep you informed as quickly as we can.
Please contact the Branch on 03451 555555 ext 473313 if you have any further information you think we should be made aware of.
Please also join the demo outside Fife House, on 16th Feb from 7.00 am until 9.30 am to protest against the budget cuts.
Please contact 01382 225491 to update any of your details.
Posted: 2nd February 2017