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Dear Member

We are aware that Dundee City Council are trying to bully you into being unsafe.
GMB have been raising legitimate health and safety concerns on your behalf both locally with the reps and at the regular council meetings.
None of these issues have been addressed in any way.
Please remember, you are not refusing to work, you are just asking that safe systems of work are put in place as well as an understanding as to why your work is classed as essential. Your pay cannot be deducted for you raising legitimate health and safety concerns and your employer has a legal duty to make your work safe.
The fact remains that no up to date risk assessments have been carried out for this most virulent strain of coronavirus.
All of the issues that have been raised have been raised under the Health and Safety legislation, and so far, Dundee City Council have failed in their legal duty to make your work covid safe.
Do not let them bully you into attending an unsafe working environment.
The current legislation states that there should be the minimum number of people at work carrying out essential work and the majority of your work is currently not essential or critical.

Posted: 22nd January 2021

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