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Dear Member
We have written to the leader of the Council, John Alexander regarding proposals to slash swimming lessons in Dundee.
Leisure and Culture Dundee are proposing cuts to hours of swimming staff which means that lessons have already been cancelled at Lochee, with cuts to days at Grove and St Pauls. Under the current proposals, there will be no adult or child lessons on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at Grove, or Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at St Pauls.
There are people all over the city on the waiting lists, and some who cannot even get on to these lists.  Many of you will know someone who is waiting and they are pricing the less well off out of affordable lessons.
They have not entered into any meaningful discussion with the Trade Unions over this issue and fixed term workers are potentially being discriminated against, with zero hours contract workers having their hours slashed.
It’s completely unacceptable and we’re asking everyone to get behind the workers to preserve affordable swimming lessons for our community.
We’ll be launching a petition shortly that you can sign to show your support.

Posted: 27th September 2019

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