Dear Homecare Member
You will by now have received your ballots.
Home carers have been issued with formal paper ballots to your home, and additional Dundee City Council consultative ballots relating to the attacks on the entire workforce’s terms and conditions. It’s really important you vote in both of these.
Please remember to vote in the ballots and return your ballot paper if you’ve not already sent it back.
You may have received your consultative ballot via text, email or post depending on the contact details we hold for you.
We have provided Dundee City Council with a list of demands in advance of our meeting with them. Our meeting is being held with Dundee City Council on the 27th March and we will meet with as many of you as can make it at the Dee Club in the afternoon at 2.00 PM to update you.
We also have guests from the Glasgow Women’s Strike coming along to talk to you there. Sandwiches will be provided.
It’s absolutely vital that we get the biggest turnout possible to ensure that our demands are met, and that your work is secured for the future.
VOTE YES YES to be valued!
Update Your Details
Moved home? Got Married? Changed your Job? If your details have changed tell GMB by updating your personal profile now.
For convenience click on the link below to update your details online today:
Posted: 25th March 2019