We understand how upset you must all be feeling this afternoon after the decision has been taken to close Beechgrove.
We have written to Perth and Kinross Council this afternoon to advise them that we will hold a workplace consultative ballot. This will be your opportunity to let us know whether you are willing to take industrial action to defend your jobs and the care home.
We (GMB) will be out to visit you very soon (time and date to be agreed) and only union members will have a say. We will support you in any decision you make.
In voting to close down the last publicly owned care home in town, the IJB has ignored thousands of local voices.
It is a scandal that unelected officials are driving home cuts that will have dire consequences for you, vital services and the service users and their families.
If you are aware of union members who did not receive a text or email, then please show them this letter and ask them to call the office on 01382 225491 to update their details.
Posted: 23rd March 2018