Dear GMB Member
Your GMB reps met with councillors and agreed to work with management about looking at each team individually on who does what and when, to avoid split shifts being imposed.
These discussions are ongoing and we have a meeting this Friday which we will keep you updated about. We still don’t believe split shifts are the only option and Fife Council have scrapped their plans to impose them, we believe Dundee should do the same. Any non GMB members won’t get this text so please pass it around and encourage them to join the fight to protect your work life balance.
To join, either contact a GMB rep, call the Dundee office 01382 225491 or online at:
Update Your Details
Moved home? Got Married? Changed your Job? If your details have changed tell GMB by updating your personal profile now.
For convenience click on the link below to update your details online today:
Posted: 29th March 2016