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GMB@ ASNA briefing – June 2016


30 June 2016

Dear GMB Member

The joint trade unions attended a meeting with Jennifer King and representatives from HR yesterday (29 June) which was to update us with the situation surrounding the exercise on the changes to ASNA’s as well as to allow us to ask questions that were raised by you at the meeting at St Johns with all members.

It’s fair to say that there are still questions surrounding some of the issues relating to the changes and I wanted to let you know where we are.

DCC advised that around 173 people attended the consultation meetings (and I’m aware that there were concerns raised by some of our members that you could not attend). The Grade 7 posts at Kingspark were to have been advertised before the summer break, however DCC felt that with the timescales involved, the time that individuals need to consider those roles, and the capability of DCC to be able to recruit during all of the other work that is being undertaken was possible too much of stretch. Please note though that these Grade 7 posts will purely be advertised internally to begin with at Kingspark and are full time posts.

DCC assured us that this is not about redundancy and that business managers have been expressing these concerns on your behalf. We understand that DCC are to issue communications to all staff to provide these reassurances. We are also aware that those of you on temporary contracts have had these reissued last week – again DCC provided us with the reassurance that this was purely to ensure continuity of employment and that they fully intend to make those of you on temporary contracts permanent – we know that the intention is for this to happen by the end of the year, however there are not yet any guarantees on timescales due to the level of work this may create. GMB will continue to fight for every member to made permanent.

DCC are still not clear on the level of qualifications required for the posts. This is still being developed, but is likely to be in line with SSSC. Where staff have the qualifications and meet the requirements of the post whey will be made permanent into that Grade. Where staff don’t have the qualifications it won’t have any effect on your permanent, however there will be a qualifying period to achieve the levels of qualification required. DCC have assured us that all support mechanisms will be put in place.

We also expressed that we want our members to know what, if any implications any changes will have on pensions in future etc. – again DCC have advised that they want to provide assurances and they intend to advise you online through your payslips – please check these when they are issued along with any links. For those of you who don’t have e-access, we were advised that letters would be issued to you.

DCC have also assured us that they will always need supply staff. You will always be on the list and the principle of supply will remain- however if any of our members who are supply have been working for a period of time, and feel that they may actually have moved more towards temporary, please do get in touch as soon as possible and we can look at each individual case on your behalf.

One of the questions that were raised by our members is the question of whether experience will go some way towards attaining the Grade 6 post – DCC have confirmed that this is probably unlikely; however everyone who wishes work towards gaining the qualifications will be supported in this.

You also asked to ensure that proper cover for Grade 6’s for example is put in place in schools where it is determined that only one Grade 6 and one Grade 4 is required. DCC have confirmed that they are going to take this into consideration in line with representations we made however we have no answers on this issue just yet.

Many of you were concerned about the level of care that a Grade 6 is going to have to provide in relation to medical protocols – please be assured that this is still under discussion. We have provided representations on your behalf that these functions are currently carried out voluntarily and that this is a change to the job specification.

There are still some questions around registering for SSSC and we, as a Union have concerns relating to the operation of this body. Please be assured that GMB will continue to communicate with you at every opportunity.

If any of our members have any questions on this or any other matters, please do get in touch.

If you are aware of anyone who is not a member of a trade union, please let them see this and ask them to call the GMB Dundee office on 01382 225491 to join us today. Together we are stronger.

Yours sincerely
Helen Meldrum
GMB Scotland

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Posted: 1st July 2016

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