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Branch News

GMB@TC FAO Cleaners

Posted: 9th February 2021

Dear member We have urgently raised an issue regarding cleaners in TC being expected to attend work in dangerous conditions. You should all have been told to go home by now. We have advised TC that they have put the Health and safety of members at work again. The policy for adverse weather states that…

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GMB@DCC Drivers only

Posted: 9th February 2021

Dear Member, We have had some enquires regarding vaccines for drivers. As far as GMB are concerned all drivers that come into contact with vulnerable people will get the vaccine, otherwise this is potentially putting everyone at risk. We will raise this again today and a further update will be sent. We want to remind…

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Posted: 4th February 2021

Dear member, I refer to the proposals of changes to your Terms and Conditions of employment thats were issued to you via your employer. Can you please note any issues or concerns that you have and look out for an invite to a zoom call next week to discuss proposals. You can also provide feedback…

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Posted: 1st February 2021

Dear Member,


GMB reps met with Tayside Contracts today and the concerns that members have been raising with on health and safety were discussed.

We expect that our members should be allowed to carry out a job and finish and not be made to hang around at the start or end of the day.…

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GMB@TC Construction

Posted: 29th January 2021

Dear member,

GMB requested an urgent meeting with the managing director of Tayside Contracts to discuss serious Health and Safety concerns in construction.

Unfortunately, these were not addressed, and members continue to be at risk.

Tayside Contracts said that they are reviewing their processes. This is not good enough.

We have members who have been…

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GMB@TC Construction/ Fairmuir

Posted: 29th January 2021

Dear member,

We have been made aware that there has been a breakout of COVID-19 in your workplace.

GMB requested an urgent meeting with the managing director of Tayside Contracts to discuss serious Health and Safety concerns in construction.

Unfortunately, these were not addressed, and members continue to be at risk. We have to question…

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Posted: 29th January 2021

Dear Member Your Reps met with management yesterday to discuss your health and safety concerns Risk Assessments – Agreement was reached that your shop stewards will be involved in completing these risk assessments and that they would be reviewed on a regular basis, the most recent included the wearing of face masks and the use…

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GMB@TC Catering and Cleaning

Posted: 29th January 2021


Dear member, Recently Tayside Contracts have written to furloughed staff looking for volunteers to help clean in care homes and possibly catering. GMB recognise that we are in the middle of a pandemic and that has put areas such as care, under strain. However, we have a duty of care to our members, with…

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Posted: 28th January 2021

Dear member, As you are aware GMB has supported you all in your health and safety issues that have been raised. Leading on from this GMB have arranged an urgent meeting with TC tomorrow. Regarding Rotas, job and finish and Janitor’s hours. GMB are the only union who have consistently raised issues with Tayside Contracts…

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GMB@TaysideContracts – Catering

Posted: 27th January 2021

Dear Member, GMB have made no agreement with Tayside Contracts that Catering staff should be moving between any buildings. This is at directly at odds with the government restrictions. We would never agree anything that puts the health and safety of our members at risk, GMB have been the only union consistently raising Health and…

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