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GMB@TC Construction

Dear member,

GMB requested an urgent meeting with the managing director of Tayside Contracts to discuss serious Health and Safety concerns in construction.

Unfortunately, these were not addressed, and members continue to be at risk.

Tayside Contracts said that they are reviewing their processes. This is not good enough.

We have members who have been exposed and are potentially still exposed to COVID-19 in their workplace and Tayside Contracts are continuing as though this is business as usual. It is not. There is already cases at a depot in Dundee.Therefore, we are writing to you to advise that GMB position on Health and Safety has not changed.


Be in vans together – TC have stated the sharing of vans is voluntary, however as your union we can no longer agree that we regard that as safe and our advice to GMB members is to no longer agree to sharing vans.
Be in buckies or depots in close proximity to one another and must be able to observe a 2 metre distance from one another.
Share any equipment.
Be an up-to-date risk assessment for covid-19. If it is not in place, you can submit a grievance. ALL workplaces must have an up-to-date RA for this NEW variant.
If you want help with submitting a grievance, then please get in touch with us.
Further to this if you have ANY underlying health condition then you should ask for your workplace/task to be individually risk assessed. This should be done immediately. 
Managers must robustly enforce any risk assessment. If there is any variation to this, then it should be in agreement with health and safety reps.

If you feel you are being put at risk, please make sure you take photographs and send them to us on

GMB have advised management that this is a new variant and if anything, there should be LESS people working not more. TC have a legal duty to minimise the number of people on any job.

Rest assured that we have advised Tayside Contracts that we will submit grievances under Health & Safety Legislation. We are also continuing to raise the issue of what is essential and what is non-essential work with TC and the Scottish Government.

We have a COVID-19 risk register that you should speak to your TU rep about completing if you have contracted covid at work.
GMB will not compromise on your health and safety.
Please keep yourselves and your families safe.

Posted: 29th January 2021

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