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Dear Member
Your Reps met with management yesterday to discuss your health and safety concerns
Risk Assessments –
Agreement was reached that your shop stewards will be involved in completing these risk assessments and that they would be reviewed on a regular basis, the most recent included the wearing of face masks and the use of vehicles, the stewards would also be engaging in workplace inspections with Management to ensure your safety and a daily checklist is also to be put in place to ensure that every thing is in place including signage, one way systems etc.
Managers are to be reminded to ensure that they are more alert to poor COVID secure behaviours , inappropriate gatherings , work practises or vehicle sharing, members are reminded that they also have a duty to ensure that they are behaving in a responsible manner and not to put themselves or their colleagues at risk by congregating in yards or welfare facilities
To enable this to happen Management have agreed to implement staggered starting and finishing times, staggered breaks and early finishing as well as additional welfare stations
They are also to look at the possibility of staff taking their vans home to avoid congregating in the yards waiting on vehicles
There is still the issue of what is deemed to be essential work or otherwise and the GMB along with the other Trades Unions are to meet with management to discuss and hopefully resolve and reach agreement on this issue and we will advise you of the outcome following the meeting. Please note that the essential work issue is affecting all councils and GMB are pursuing Scot Gov to intervene on this.
GMB have and will continue to intervene where there are health and safety issues, where our members are at risk. This is the main duty of a trade union, to protect and represent their members.
For any new member you can access the previous news on this site.
As always if you have any concerns or issues please raise them with your Stewards or contact –

Posted: 29th January 2021

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