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Dear member,
We are sending this to clarify the position regarding Health and Safety at work an

Be in vans together
Be in buckies in close proximity to one another and must observe a 2 metre distance from one another.
Members of the public should not be coming into close contact with you at graves or anywhere else.
Be an up to date risk assessment for covid-19, this should be updated for the new strain and where you have an underlying condition, you should have an individual risk assesment.
If these are not in place, you can refuse to put yourself in danger and should remain home until that can be carried out under the Health and Safety Act 1974 –This means that ALL workplaces must have an up to date RA for this NEW variant. This is not in place.
Further to this if you have ANY underlaying health condition then you should ask for your workplace/task to be individually risk assessed.    
Managers must robustly enforce any risk assessment. If there is any variation, then it must be in agreement with health and safety reps.

If you feel you are being put at risk, take photographs and send them to us.

It really is important that at this time we all do our part to keep each other safe.  Please follow the guidance above and stay safe.
Any problems please contact your local representative rep in the first instance.
Know anyone who isn’t in the GMB? Encourage them to join us here:


Posted: 21st January 2021

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