Dear member,
We are aware that you have all been told that you have to work in the rain or have been threatened with disciplinary action.
Gardeners don’t work in the rain and this has ALWAYS been the case. They don’t have the right PPE and it is not part of any agreement. This means that custom and practice applies , this cannot be changed on a whim by any manager.
To be told to stand under a tree for protection from the rain is not acceptable and GMB will not accept if for our members.
We are also aware that some of you are in buckies where you are unable to adhere to the COVID health and safety social distancing of 2 metres…this is NOT acceptable. If you feel your health and safety at work is at risk due to this, then you can inform your employer that you are not refusing to work, but that you will not work in an unsafe working environment and that you will return home until these safe working processes are adhered to. GMB will fully support you.
On the issue of the threat of disciplinary. The GMB are submitting a collective grievance on your behalf, we will not allow any of members to be threatened.
Just as we always have we are here to support you in anyway we can and we will never allow your health and
safety to be put at risk or for you to be treated unfairly.
Jim Cunningham
Branch Secretary
Posted: 11th June 2020