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Dear Member
We have been made aware that you were put in an unsafe position earlier at a burial. This must have been very stressful for you and your manager has a duty of care to ensure you are kept safe.
You have been identified as key workers, and as key workers you must be valued and kept safe.
The risk assessment was clear in that no member of the public should have been anywhere near you and we will be raising a collective grievance for all of our members in environment as the behaviour of some managers has been absolutely disgraceful and grossly negligent.
Please ensure that your managers are observing the risk assessment, and you have the right not to put yourself in an unsafe position.
You must have appropriate PPE provided to you and the risk must be minimised.
Please let us know if you are continuing to have issues as GMB will not compromise on the health and safety of our members.


Posted: 24th March 2020

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