Dear Member
Firstly please accept our apologies for this late message, but we think its imperative we do this, even at this late hour.
For the attention of members who are NOT identified as key workers.
We now understand that all schools are closed until risk assessments can be put in place.
As your Union, we cannot advise you to not attend work.
However, the latest guidance is that schools will be closed to all staff and pupils.
This sends a clear message to all of our members across local government who are not identified as key workers that gathering at work, or turning up for work as usual goes against any of the clear government advice.
Nicola Sturgeon’s advice is that you stay 2 (two) metres apart. If you feel that your workplace is not safe and has not been risk assessed then you can refuse to put yourself at risk by attending work and you will have the full support of your Union, the GMB.
Please not that we may not have phone access for a while tomorrow morning. But we hope this will be resolved by midday. You can email: and you will get an email or a callback.
Posted: 22nd March 2020