Dear members
We’ve been phoning around to make sure you’ve all received your ballot papers. Make sure you’ve voted if you have or call the office on 01382 225491 if it’s not arrived.
If you do two things today, make sure you’ve posted your ballot paper back, and speak to your colleagues to make sure they have too. Every vote counts.
Due to changes in UK law over 50% of GMB members must vote for it to be valid. The Scottish Government have indicated that they wouldn’t use anti worker laws against you however if at least 50% of you don’t vote in this ballot it may be challenged.
Turn out is extremely important and it gives us a strong mandate to demand the council listens to you.
Please call us in 01382 225491 if you have any questions about the campaign or if you would like to get involved.
Posted: 31st May 2019
Posted: 31st May 2019