Dear member,
DCC have now issued a further questionnaire. Please do not feel forced into choosing an option that does not suit you. If you would like to accept any of the options then of course that is entirely your choice if it fits in with your lifestyle and benefits you.
However, for the majority of you, the choice seems pretty stark – accept split shift working or a dramatic pay cut of thousands of pounds per year.
We believe that you should be valued for the work that you do, and, with most of you already not having access to full time contracts, you are already undervalued by Dundee City Council – this seeks to undervalue you even more.
Dundee City Council have a duty under The public sector equality duty to have due regard to the need to:eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations.
We don’t believe that treating a predominantly female workforce in such a way meets any of those duties.
You should be valued for the work you do, and that is why we are recommending you put in the box, “I want to be valued”. We have sent you a pre-populated form if any of those choices don’t suit you.
Only union members will get a say.
Posted: 17th January 2019