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Dear Member

It now seems apparent that L&CD intend to transfer the greenkeeping staff to a new private sector employer on 1st April 2017.

We continue to contend that no appropriate consultation has occurred, and, having read the report that was distributed to the board of Leisure and Culture, we believe that this was engineered in such a way as to encourage the board to take the decision that they did.

It quotes an old STRI report for example which was not particularly favourable, when the more recent one was. It also states that consultation has been ongoing with the golf clubs and the trade unions which we also do not feel is accurate. Additionally, the report states that DCC had stated that there were no redeployment opportunities for the greenkeeping staff and that it was ‘unlikely there would be any in the foreseeable future for greenkeeping staff’. We have now been made aware that there is about to be recruitment in the environment department.

It cannot be right that the council are willing to allow public money to be placed into the hands of the private sector and our members are willing to take industrial action in defence of their jobs and for the service to remain in the public sector.

It really is time for our councillors to stand up for the public servants of this city and put a halt to this privatisation.

Messages of support can be sent to the greenkeepers via the branch website at

GMB Dundee
01382 225491

Posted: 10th March 2017

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