LACD management are attempting to privatise the Greenkeepers’ who maintain the city’s golf courses. You may have seen some things in the press. We are extremely alarmed at the prospect of any privatisation and the precedent that this could set for everyone in Leisure and Culture.
Stirling Council were just about to agree the wholesale privatisation of the sports and leisure side which they said was about cost. Fortunately Stirling saw sense and and have now since pulled back from privatising the leisure side.
However, in Dundee, GMB are still really concerned that if this privatisation of the Greenkeepers’ is allowed to go ahead, that it may mean creeping privatisation throughout LACD.
LACD have said that this is not about cost which makes the plan even worse. GMB contends that this is purely about management not being able to manage the guys into submission, as they have continually stood up to management when they have treated them poorly and have stuck together.
Speak to your colleagues and offer some support. Join a Union and become activists. Do all you can to stop this spiteful privatisation for now and in the future.
We are ready for the fight, are you?
Posted: 10th February 2017