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Dear member,

At the last LACD Trade Union Liaison Meeting, GMB and our sister Unions made the Board and Management Team aware that we will not stand for the proposed terms and condition changes detailed within the Managing Workforce Change Report.

Since that meeting the LACD Board have voted in favour of this policy directive which includes the introduction of compulsory redundancy, targeted voluntary redundancy and fixed term flexible retirement.  This policy also advocates a reduction in salary conversation to 1 year.  Neither DCC or LACD have engaged in any form of collective bargaining in relation to the above terms and condition changes.

GMB LACD members have voted overwhelmingly 95% in favour of a yes to industrial action.  GMB Scotland will ensure that our members are not disenfranchised by this austerity agenda and cuts to people’s jobs along with access to public services.

It was revealed last week that staff down grading was to form a major aspect of this years budget cuts.  Some staff have been told that they will be facing a £350 pay cut per month.  Members within the Leisure And Sport Section will now be consulted on additional industrial action.

Unless these threats to terms and conditions are removed then a period of significant workplace disruption will commence in due course.

Posted: 2nd April 2019

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